The Solihull Arden Club is the premier racquets club in the Solihull area, with a history stretching back to 1872. It is first and foremost a members’ sports and social club. It aims to be friendly, informal and welcoming to all of its members and none members.
The provisions of this Rule Book have evolved through the club’s history and are intended to support its friendly and informal ethos. They are divided into three sections:
Subsidiary rules to do with the day-to-day operation of the club and the policies of the individual sections, as well as any changes to the rules, will be displayed from time to time on the relevant club notice boards.
As a members’ club, Solihull Arden exists to provide an enjoyable experience for its members alongside supporting the local schools, the local community and relevant sporting governing bodies.
To ensure the wellbeing and smooth operation of the club it depends on everyone knowing about the Club rules and demonstrating a willingness to abide by them, for the benefit of all.
Please read the Rule Book in that spirit as a guide.
The Rule Book is made available to all members and to anyone else on request. This version supersedes all previous issues and associated amendments. If you have any question about it, please contact the Clubs General Manager or any member of the management committee.
1. Title
The Club will be known as “Solihull Arden Club”. Throughout this booklet it is referred to as “the Club”.
2. Purpose
3) Management
i) Committee
The Club shall be managed by its appointed General Manager who will report to the Clubs Chairman or other agreed Management Committee Officer.
The Management Committee of the club will consist of four officers consisting of a chairman, vice chairman, secretary and treasurer, together with up to six other members who will occupy positions determined by the management committee. These ten members, all of whom are entitled to vote, shall be known as the Management Committee and shall be elected annually by members of the Club at an annual general meeting. The chairman of the Club will have overall responsibility for the efficient running of the Club and in addition to his vote as a member, he will have a casting vote at general and committee meetings. If an elected member is unable to attend a meeting of the management committee he may, if chairman of a sub-committee, nominate a sub-committee member to attend on his behalf. That person would be entitled to participate fully in the business of the meeting including the power to vote.
ii) Provisional election
The management committee may appoint a member to fill a vacancy on the committee. Such appointment shall apply until the next annual general meeting of the club. The appointed member shall be entitled to vote at any management meeting.
iii) Co-option
The management committee may co-opt other members as they see fit but they shall not be entitled to vote at any management meeting.
iv) General Powers
The management committee shall have power to employ the assets and funds of the Club for the stated purpose of the Club. It may lease, release, sell, exchange, insure, improve, develop, hire or otherwise acquire real and personal property of rights; invest or borrow monies; grant mortgages and charges on the assets of the Club; lend, advance money or give credit; receive money on deposit; secure the repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owed by mortgage charge or lien upon any or all of the assets of the Club (both present and future); and construct, maintain, or alter any buildings, including courts and other facilities.
v) Financial Authorities
The management committee may authorise the General Manager, treasurer or other designated individuals to authorise Bank transfers and payment (BAC’s) and to sign cheques drawn on the club’s bank accounts; otherwise such cheques shall require the signature of the General Manager plus at least one of the Club’s officers.
vi) Powers of Employment
The officers of the club shall have the power to employ, to dismiss and to set the terms of employment for Club staff. These powers may be delegated to a sub-committee or to the General Manager.
vii) Trustees
The management committee may appoint trustees of any or all of the property of the Club and vest such property in those trustees.
viii) Rules and Bye Laws
The committee in session will have the power to make rules and bye laws for the Club. Any such rules and bye laws or amendments shall be posted on the Club notice board for 30 days and will be reported to the next annual general meeting. This provision excludes Rules 1, 2, and 11 (Title, Purpose, and Dissolution), changes to which shall require the approval of a general meeting.
4) Indemnity of Management Committee Members
Every officer and member of the management committee shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of the Club against any liability which he may incur or become liable to by any reason of any contract entered into or act or deed done by him as such in any manner or way in discharge of his duties as an officer or member of the management committee provided he acted honestly and reasonably having regard to the circumstances.
5) President
Any nomination for the office of president must be received by the secretary in writing not later than 1st February each year. Such nomination shall be approved by the management committee for election by members at the annual general meeting. The president may not serve for more than three consecutive years, unless there is no other nomination for the role, in which case the President may continue to hold office. The president may not hold any other office but shall be entitled to be an ex officio member of all committees and sub-committees. At such meetings the president may speak but shall have no vote.
6) Membership
i) Members of the Club are grouped as follows:
Senior 21 or over
Intermediate: 18 and over, but under 21
Junior: Under 18
Mini: Under 8
NON – Social, 18 or over
Associate Social, 18 or over
i) Social members shall, on payment of the appropriate fee, have the same right of access to the tennis, squash/racketball and gym facilities as visitors.
ii) Gym membership is restricted to Senior and Intermediate age groups or Juniors over the age of 16 or 14 when accompanied by a parent. .
There are also Life Members who may be nominated only by the management committee and approved at a general meeting. Life members will not be liable for a subscription.
A Junior member who achieves top 50 ranking in any age group from under-12 to under-18 in the LTA or England Squash National Junior Rankings shall be awarded “privileged Junior” membership status.
An Associate Social Member must live at the same address as an adult member of the Club. The Associate Social Member will have no membership rights or benefits other than being able to use the Club’s social facilities without limitation as to the number of visits.
The constituent sections of the Club shall be determined by the Management Committee on a non-discriminatory basis.
(ii) Membership shall be open to any applicant on a non-discriminatory basis but the number of members may be limited according to the capacity of the available facilities.
iii) The General Manager together with the Management Committee may refuse membership, suspend or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute.
The Management Committee or General Manager will notify the applicant/ member of their decision in writing. Appeal against the Management Committee’s decision shall be made in writing within 14 days of the date of the letter informing them of the decision. The appeal must state the grounds on which the decision of the Management Committee is challenged and will normally be restricted to one or more of the following:-
On receipt of an appeal the Chairman (or if appropriate a Club Officer) will appoint a panel of 3 former Management Committee members (The Appeals Panel) to hear and consider the appeal. The Appeals Panel will inform the applicant/member of their decision in writing, together with, where appropriate any change in the disciplinary action determined by the Management Committee. Such change may only reduce, and not increase any original penalty.
There shall be no right of appeal against the Appeal Panel’s decision.
Where the Management Committee imposes a period of suspension, that period of suspension shall run from the date of the decision, notwithstanding that any notice of appeal has been submitted. In imposing or reviewing a suspension the Management Committee or the Appeals Panel shall take into account the amount of suspension served in deciding the appropriate period of such further suspension (if any) that should be imposed.
iv) On receipt of a complaint regarding a member the Chairman (or if appropriate a Club Officer) may set up a panel of 3 former Management Committee members (the Investigation Panel) to investigate the complaint. The Investigation Panel shall have the authority to make enquiries and receive written evidence in order to report and make recommendations to the Management Committee. The Chairman (or if appropriate the Club Officer) may temporally suspend the member from membership whilst the Investigation is carried out. The suspension should be confirmed by the Management Committee as soon as practical. The Management Committee will consider the Investigation Panel’s report and inform the member in writing of its decision, together with details, where appropriate of any disciplinary action to be taken. The Management Committee will notify any other parties affected by the decision. The member will not be entitled to any rebate of subscription for any period of suspension unless the Management Committee decide a rebate is appropriate. Within 14 days of the date of the letter informing the member of the decision, the member may appeal in writing stating the grounds for appeal. On receipt of an appeal the Chairman (or if appropriate a Club Officer) will appoint a further panel of 3 former Management Committee members (The Appeals Panel) to hear and consider the appeal. The Appeals Panel will not include any members of the Investigation Panel. The Appeals Panel will inform the member of their decision in writing, together with, where appropriate any change in the disciplinary action determined by the Management Committee. Such change may only reduce, and not increase any original penalty. There shall be no right of appeal against the Appeal Panel’s decision.
i) General
The secretary shall give every member at least 14 days written notice of any general meeting, stating the business to be transacted at the meeting. No business other than that stated in the notice shall be brought before the meeting. The president, or in his/her absence the chairman shall take the chair at all general meetings. A general meeting shall have the power to change the rules and bye laws of the Club, to elect or remove members of the management committee, or to overturn decisions of that committee.
The annual general meeting (AGM) shall be held before 1st April each year, when the secretary shall make a report and the treasurer shall present year end accounts for the preceding financial year ended 31st December. This will be followed by the election of officers of the Club and members of the management committee. The retiring officers and the six other members will be eligible for re-election. Other nominations must be received by the Secretary in writing not less than 31 days before the date of the meeting and such nominations shall be posted in the clubhouse at least 21 days prior to the meeting. Nominated persons must confirm to the Secretary their willingness to stand for election. In the event of a nomination being required, the Chairman of the meeting will accept nominations from the floor.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be held should the management committee consider it necessary or on receipt of a written request delivered to the secretary and signed by not less than 50 senior or intermediate members of the Club. The secretary will call an EGM within 21 days of receipt of the request, to be held within 35 days of the receipt of the request. A quorum at an EGM shall be 50 senior and/or intermediate members.
Only senior or intermediate members present at a general meeting shall be eligible to vote. No proxy vote will be accepted. Social members are allowed to vote in the election of the social, bar and house chairman. They may also vote on any matters pertaining to the social activities in the Club. The Chairman shall determine their eligibility to vote and his decision will be final. Any social member serving on a recognised Club subcommittee shall be permitted full Club voting rights during his or her period of office.
Each resolution shall be determined by a majority vote of those present and voting.
ii) Management
The Chairman shall decide when the management committee will meet but the interval between any two consecutive meetings shall not exceed eight weeks.
The Secretary shall give each member seven days’ notice of a meeting of the management committee, stating the business to be transacted. Any five members of the management committee shall form a quorum. Each resolution shall be determined by a majority of votes. No proxy vote will be accepted.
At the request of not less than three members of the management committee, the secretary shall call a special meeting within 10 days of receipt of the request, to be held within 17 days of the receipt of the request. No business other than that specified shall be brought before the meeting.
At the discretion of the Chairman or his designated deputy, a resolution requiring decision between meetings may be approved in writing, by email or letter. If a majority of members is in agreement and none against, the resolution shall be approved. If any member objects, the matter shall await the next committee meeting.
9) Accounts
The clubs accounts will be prepared by a qualified independent firm of accountants. These accounts will be validated and approved independently. The year end accounts will be presented at the AGM.
10) Expulsion
The management committee may, by a resolution passed by a three quarters majority of those present and voting, expel any member in accordance with Rule 6 (iii). An expelled member may not subsequently be introduced as a visitor. The committee may exclude a member temporarily by a simple majority vote.
11) Dissolution
A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at an EGM. It shall only be passed by a majority of three-quarters of the members present and entitled to vote. If the Club is dissolved, the management committee shall be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs. After settling all liabilities of the Club, the committee shall dispose of the net assets to one or more of the following:
i) to another club with similar sports purposes which is a charity and/or
ii) to another club with similar sports purposes which is a registered CASC and/or
iii) to the national governing body of one or more of the Club’s sports for use by them for community related sports.
No sum shall be paid to members or past members of the Club.
3. Clubhouse:
i) Opening hours: the clubhouse opening hours shall be decided by the General Manager subject to the approval of the management committee and posted in the entrance hall. The General Manager shall also determine the arrangements for opening and closing the clubhouse and controlling access to it.
ii) Bar Access: Members’ children under 16 years of age and Junior members under the age of 16 are allowed in the Arden Members’ Lounge Bar during licensing hours but only up to 8pm and provided that they are accompanied by the parent member at all times and are supervised to behave in a safe and quiet manner. Member’s children aged 16 and 17 and Junior members aged 16 and 17 are allowed in the Arden Members’ Lounge Bar at any time provided they are accompanied by the parent member who is responsible for their behavior. Junior members are allowed in the bar at any time if they are representing the club in an official match.
iii) Bags: For short term storage, sports bags may only be left in the changing rooms, in designated areas or taken outside to members’ cars.
iv) Gaming machines: no person under the age of 18 shall play the gaming machines sited on the Club premises.
v) Kitchen: persons using the kitchen must be authorised by the management committee, which may at its discretion set rules for its use.
4. Dress code: members should wear appropriate clothing and shoes while playing tennis, padel, squash, and racketball, and when using the gym. Black soled shoes and tennis court shoes are strictly forbidden on the squash/racketball courts. Sports kit may be worn throughout the clubhouse but members who have been perspiring heavily should refrain from using the Arden Members Lounge Bar or the function room until they have showered. Members are expected to show consideration and common sense in this regard.
The management committee may from time to time set dress code rules, which will be posted on the appropriate notice board.
5. Personal effects: the Club shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any property whatsoever brought onto the grounds or into the Club premises.
6. Proof of membership: members must be able to prove their membership at all times whilst on the Club premises or they may be asked to leave.
7. Visitors:
i) Any member, other than social members but including juniors, may introduce up to three visitors at any one time to play on payment of the appropriate fees. The appropriate visitors’ fees must be paid on arrival by such method as the management committee shall decide.
ii) Any member, including social members, may introduce social visitors.
(iii) No visitor shall be introduced to the Club on more than ten occasions in total in any one year. No visitor may use the tennis, squash/racketball, or gym facilities more than five times in a year
8) Juniors
Junior members must abide by specific rules covering their use of tennis courts, squash/racketball courts, and the gym. These will be posted on the relevant noticeboard.
9. Members’ children: are welcome in all the open social areas of the clubhouse (subject to restrictions of bye law 3ii) and in the club grounds, but they should not be left unsupervised within the clubhouse. They are prohibited from gaining access to the gym, tennis or squash courts unless they hold the appropriate accreditation. Members’ children do not need to be accompanied when in the club grounds but an adult member taking responsibility for the children must be on the club premises and remain within an area of the club where they can ensure the children behave in a manner, which is safe and appropriate to the surroundings.
10. Bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller blades and the like may not be used except for the purposes of access to the Club. They are not allowed inside the clubhouse in any circumstances.
11. Pets are not allowed in the Clubhouse or on the Sports grounds at any time.
12. Anti-social behaviour: any member whose behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable by the General Manager or a member of the management committee will be asked to leave the Club premises.
13. Organised functions: The General Manager will subject to the agreement of the management committee reserve the right to allocate any part of the Club premises for organised functions and to make such charges as they in their discretion shall consider to be reasonable. These functions may include private parties for non-members, provided that the organiser agrees to observe the rules of the club and pay any applicable charges in advance.
14. Sale of Intoxicating Liquor: subject to the licensing laws, intoxicating liquor may be sold by the Club to members for consumption on or off the Club premises and to other persons, at the discretion of the management committee, for consumption on the Club premises only.
1. Introduction
The sub committees of the tennis, squash and racketball, and the gym sections shall have the power to make rules specific to those sections, subject to the agreement of the General Manager and ratification by the management committee. The main rules are set out below. Subsidiary rules may be posted on the relevant notice boards.
2. Tennis
i) Dress code: clothing worn on court must be of a design suitable for tennis. Only shoes designed for tennis with a non-ridged sole may be worn.
ii) Role of Grounds person: the grounds person has the right to close any court for maintenance or match preparation. They have the full support of the sub-committee in enforcing Club rules with respect to visitors and the proper use of Club facilities.
(iii) Visitors playing during club sessions must be willing and competent to join in Club play. The provision to introduce visitors must not be abused. Visitors are each allowed to play only five times per year and the visitor fee must be paid before they go on court.
(iv) Court booking: Tennis courts can only be booked on The Club’s internet based booking system. Booking is not necessary in off-peak times although booking guarantees a reserved court. All booked courts take priority. The booking rules can be found on the internet based booking system at the bottom of the ‘Booking Sheets’ page on the website. The times that courts are reserved for coaching, matches and other club activities are all shown only on the court booking system.
v) Senior Play
a) The tennis notice board will display:
Coaching, both senior and junior, is a fundamental part of our club and so the courts used for coaching will be agreed with the General Manager, Tennis Chairman and Head coach and booked out on the clubs booking system.
i) Dress code: clothing worn on court must be of a design suitable for squash/racketball. Black soled shoes, ordinary trainers and tennis court shoes will damage the floor of the squash/racketball courts and are strictly forbidden. Members and visitors should ensure that they only wear non-marking soled shoes specifically manufactured for indoor court use.
ii) Club play: the arrangements and rules for club sessions will be posted on the notice board. Club leagues and ladders for both Squash and Racketball operate on The Club’s internet based court booking system and the full rules can be found on the same web page as the leagues and ladders.
iii) Court booking: Squash/racketball courts can only be booked on The Club’s internet based booking system. Booking is not necessary in off-peak times although booking guarantees a reserved court. The booking rules can be found on the internet based booking system at the bottom of the ‘Booking Sheets’ page on the website. The times that courts are reserved for coaching, matches and other club activities are all shown only on the court booking system. Visitors: the provision to introduce visitors must not be abused. Visitors are each allowed to play only five times per year and the visitor fee must be paid before they go on court.
iv) Junior Play
a) Juniors may have exclusive use of certain courts at times as reserved on the court booking system.
b) Juniors may book and secure courts at off peak times on the court booking system. Juniors MUST wear goggles/glasses when playing. These can be bought or hired from the club.
c) Privileged Juniors are granted the rights of senior play, in which case the normal rules of senior play must be observed. A list of current privileged Juniors is displayed on the Junior notice board.
4. GYM
i) Usage: Senior and Intermediate Tennis and Squash/Racketball members, in addition to Gym members may use the gym equipment. Also, Junior Tennis, Squash/Racketball members may be authorised to use the gym equipment on completion and endorsement of the Junior Gym Application Form.
ii) Dress Code: Appropriate gym clothing and trainers are to be worn at all times.
iii) Visitors are allowed five times per year and the visitor fee must be paid.
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